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Become an Implementation Site

The first pd|hub Collection: Foundations of Career Exploration for PhD Scientists launched in Fall 2022! To access this pd|hub Collection, apply to be an Implementation Site. Implementation Sites partner with pd|hub to bring one of the pd|hub Collection models to their organization. Applications for a second cohort of Implementation Sites will open in early 2024.

Interested in becoming an Implementation Site? Join our listserv for updates

The benefits:  Obtain support as you adapt, implement, and evaluate a model(s) from the pd|hub Collection

Through partnership with pd|hub, Implementation Sites will receive:

  • Implementation guides and annotated lesson plans
  • Training in key areas, such as developing an inclusive learning environment
  • Ongoing expert consultations within a community of practice
  • Centralized evaluation tools and guidance to enable efficient, data-driven evolution of educational approaches


About the Implementation Site experience

Over one year, you will obtain training, tools, and support from peers and content experts to efficiently adapt, implement, evaluate, and test new approaches at your organization.

  Example of the implementation site experience-contact us for full text


What are the expectations and costs for Implementation Sites? 

A grant from NIGMS is supporting the primary costs associated with development of implementation guides and lesson plans, train-the-trainer workshop design and instruction, Fellows and consultants for the communities of practice, and guidance and resources for evaluation. For this inaugural pd|hub Collection, there will be no fees charged for participation in the training and community activities. However, implementation sites should expect to cover costs associated with implementing the model at your organization. Depending on the model you seek to implement and your own implementation plan, such costs might include access to self-assessment tools for the students or use of a learning management system (inexpensive or free options for such tools and systems will be offered as alternatives), and staff/faculty time for implementing the model. The goal of the pd|hub Collections is to train your team to be able to fully implement the model in-house (including teaching/facilitation), limiting the need for any additional speaker fees.

Implementation Sites commit to participating in the full one-year experience, including collaborating with pd|hub to support success of cross-site evaluation (which will be coordinated by pd|hub). 

Apply to Become an Implementation Site

We encourage applications from organizations serving populations historically marginalized in STEMM.

The application for the first cohort of Implementation Sites has closed. The application for the second cohort of Implementation Sites will open in early 2024, and be posted here. In the meantime, here are some things you can do to begin preparing:

  1. Gather your Implementation Site team. Though not required, participating as a team has been demonstrated through other initiatives to increase likelihood of success for adoption of new educational approaches.
    • Identify two or three individuals as core team members from your organization who will attend Implementation Site trainings and activities. Your team can be larger (including additional partners), but direct participation in pd|hub activities may be limited to core team members.
    • Cross-disciplinary teams are some of the strongest in our experience. Consider including career development practitioners, science faculty, equity/inclusion educators, teaching and learning professionals, or other staff/administrators. Influential leaders on campus or in your program, who would be allies for your efforts, may be strategic partners.
    • Consider the role(s) that each member will have on your core team or amongst your partners. Example roles might be facilitation/co-facilitation, coordinating logistics of implementation, coordinating with pd|hub, motivating participation, stakeholder buy-in, and sustaining successful practices.
    • If there are multiple programs from your organization interested in becoming an Implementation Site, we recommend coordinating internally to form one team (and submit one application) so that you can support one another in your implementation.
  2. Take stock of how your organization supports students or postdocs in career exploration—we will want to know how implementing a new session or series from this pd|hub Collection will fill any gaps or increase capacities
  3. Consider timing—be sure your team and organization can commit to the one year experience. We anticipate the one-year experience to fall within the timeframe of Spring 2024-Summer 2025. Consider when you anticipate implementing at your organization during this period of partnership with pd|hub. Consider frequency of future implementations, should your organization choose to sustain the model beyond this partnership.
  4. Consider which model might be the best fit for your organization's needs. In the application, we may ask you to rank and describe your top two preferences; we will assign each accepted Implementation Site to one model.



The pd|hub Collections are being developed with support from an Innovative Programs to Enhance Research Training (IPERT) award from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIH 1 R25 GM139076-01). The information, opinions, data, and statements contained herein are not necessarily those of the U.S. Government or the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and should not be interpreted, acted on, or represented as such.

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