pd|hub Publishes Report and Hosts Public Release Event
Date Posted: lunes, febrero 08, 2021pd|hub is pleased to announce the publication of Enhancing Dissemination of Evidence-Based Models for STEM PhD Career Development; a Stakeholder Workshop Report. This report presents findings from pd|hub's NSF-funded convening of interdisciplinary and cross-sector stakeholders, held at the Janelia Research Campus of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, that explored advancing the career and professional development (CPD) of early career scientists. The urgent and complex challenges faced by our world today have emphasized the importance of expanding the connections between academia, industry, and government, as well as enhancing PhD CPD educational approaches to help PhD scientists be better prepared to contribute in a variety of professional roles to benefit society. The report highlights key issues and proposed actions for addressing systemic barriers, stakeholder-specific perspectives, and pd|hub-affiliated actions moving forward since the workshop.
Please join us for the pd|hub Workshop Report Public Release Event scheduled for March 4th from 2:30-4:00 pm ET. At this event, learn more about the report's recommendations and participate in an interactive discussion with our panelists to prioritize actions moving forward.
Opening remarks by:
Bruce Alberts, Former President, National Academy of Sciences and Former Editor, Science; Chancellor's Leadership Chair, Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of California, San Francisco | |
Cynthia Fuhrmann, Principal Investigator & Project Lead, pd|hub; Assistant Dean, Career & Professional Development and Associate Professor, UMass Chan Medical School |
David Feldon, Professor of Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences, Utah State University |
Joanne Kamens, Executive Director, Addgene |
Mary O'Riordan, Professor of Microbiology & Immunology and Associate Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, University of Michigan Medical School |
Stephani Page, Community Engagement Manager, ADVANCE Resource and Coordination (ARC) Network; Founder, #BLACKandSTEM | |
Amy Pszczolkowski, Assistant Dean, Professional Development, Princeton University | |
Joerg Schlatterer, Manager, Graduate and Postdoctoral Scholars Office, American Chemical Society | |
Post updated: Thursday, February 18, 2021